Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Dogs Communication - Could Your Dog be Trying to Tell You Something?

When your dog barks, is it just noise of is he trying to tell you something? This article can help explain.

Is barking a form of language among dogs with precise significance, or just playful noise? Dogs exchange information among themselves less by voice than by a wide range of facial expressions, body postures and gestures, as well as by various scents. Dogs, who bark at night, are probably working off excess energy or announcing their presence, and this is undoubtedly the only message conveyed to other dogs within ear shot.

When a dog goes to his owner and deliberately barks, it is simply meant to attract attention. You must try to guess his general behavior, rather than from the circumstances and his general behavior, rather than from the particular form or pitch of bark he makes. The howling or baying of hunting dogs is an instinctive hunting cry informing the pack that the dog is on a trail. Barking at strange noises is a warning as well as a threat display. 

A lonely dog who bowls may be sending out a gathering cry to other dogs nearby. Wild dogs on the other hand, never back, they only howl. Could the barking of domesticated dogs be a form of communication more closely resembling speech? A pet dog that shares a close relationship with his owner and has been taught to understand many words obviously makes an effort, sometimes quite successfully, to give meaning to his own utterances.

A dog who wishes to assert his importance and boldness instinctively employs all of the effects that make him look bigger and more frightening, raising his back ton increase his height and holding his head high in defiance. A dog who wants to show submission does just the opposite, making himself look small by crouching down with his tail between his legs and his ears laid back flat.

A dog who wishes to assert his dominance will take a perpendicular position with his head over the other dog's shoulders, while nudging or pushing, with his neck arched, head and tail raised and tense. The conventional play invitation is a posture with the forehead crouched, the hind quarters high, a wagging tail, bright eye and a little yap. A rigid stance with a steady gaze and a high, trembling tail is hostile. A high, steady tail signifies self confidence, and held low indicates inferiority, fatigue, ill health, or a bad mood. 

Pawing at the neck is an expression of affection, nose-nudging is another invitation to play. Paw-giving is a conventional canine gesture with two possible meanings. When he gives his paw to his owner while avoiding eye contact he's saying "Please forgive me" or when he wants attention, he is saying "I'm here, don't forget me." When he offers his paw to another dog, it's a sign of submission.

An owner, who takes the trouble to observe his dog and pay him the courtesy of listening to him, can establish a simple two-way communications system with his pet. Canine messages are generally very elementary, as he asks much less of us than we do of him. "I'm hungry," "I'm thirsty", "I need to go out", or "Come with me I think something is wrong" are among the messages he manages to convey very well considering his limited means. His most eloquent utterance is the emotional gurgle of barks that means to say "I've missed you!"

Okay Nitro,Your turn to show everyone one of your favorite videos.Are you ready?Also,glad to get you back on the job.So show us what you got!

(Nitro):Okay Dad,I am glad to be back,i was bored just lying around the house during nothing all Day!

Yeah Right...

(Nitro):Everybody is going to love this video.It's F-U-N-N-Y...

(Nitro):I told you it was funny!!!
Okay Everybody,Until Next Time Take Care...

Monday, August 25, 2014

Stop Stressful Problem Behaviors and Transform Your Jack Russell into a Model Pet...

Hey Everybody,We came across a manual that will help your pets especially if you are a Jack Russell owner.This seems like a very good training book.Even if your terrier is a mix breed.If you would i would like for you to take a couple of minutes and check out this site.
It looks like a this is a training manual that you can train your pet and not have a lot of time to spend but it can get you and your pet on the same page and understand each other in a short period.

The Benefits This Ebook Holds for Jack Russell Owners...

    A complete guide that applies to Jacks of all ages, from new puppies through to elderly companions

    Everything you need to know to make sure your pup is well behaved from day one

    Why being the 'pack leader' is completely different with JRTs.
    A comprehensive guide to solving problem behaviors, including troubleshooting techniques for extra stubborn dogs.

    These problem behaviors are covered:
        Biting and aggression
        Submissive urination
        Running away
        Leash pulling

    I also give you a method to remove your dog's fear of people, places or other dogs

    A full, easy-to-follow guide to teaching all the basic commands your dog needs to know, with pictures to make understanding even easier.
    The ONLY ebook that addresses training Jack Russell mix breeds

 The mindsets you need to understand to be successful at training a Jack Russell

  A chapter dealing specifically with training rescue dogs and elderly dogs

    Advice for training your dog to live with other pets, including cats

    Exercise solutions that wear your dog out and save you time

As a puppy owner, there's no reason to let problem behaviors develop (as they ALWAYS do with Jack Russells, unless you take action).

And if you're already fed up and stressed out with your Jack's bad behavior, there's no reason to put up with it anymore.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

I swear by my book and the techniques inside it. I'm so confident this will cover all the bases as you train your Jack Russell, I provide a 60 day money back guarantee with every copy. You can try it for 59 days and if you don't see results, return it on Day 60 or any time before then for a full refund. And you get to keep the ebook.
That's a better-than-100% guarantee.
So take the next step, for you and your Jack Russell, and purchase your copy of The Jack Russell Lover's Ultimate Guide to Training today.

"Yes, I'm ready to buy!"
Okay Everybody,Until Next Time!Stay Safe and Take Care!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Dog in One Pack- Jack Russell Terrier

Hey Everybody,Its Blogging Time.Hope everyone is doing great.I like to take a second and tell my little boy Nitro i'm glad he is much better and he better keep things out of his mouth and also tell everyone to or shall i say inform everyone to make sure things are up and away from our furry little friends who will waste no time to put them on their mouths and end up with fur balls or even swallow something that can cause them harm.After all they are like kids and you have to make sure they are safe and sound.If you are like me you are very watchful with them.Now with that said,let's get started.


                A Dog in One Pack- Jack Russell Terrier

We basically want to find companions who would give us most of the benefits we think we need. Well, if you are looking for a dog that is somewhat a one-in-package pal, you might find Jack Russell Terriers interesting enough.

This dog has a history that is somehow loomed to give rise to the specie.

It was said that the breeder of this dog, a young Theologian student of Oxford University named John Russell once met a milkman with a white terrier that has spots on his eyes and ears. This dog became his interest which later proved to be his foundation for breeding a new dog breed that many has learned to love as pets. The dog he first saw was named "Trump" from which another 60 types of terriers were later bred from.

With a terrier's basic nature to go on and over the ground (terrier by the way came from the Latin term "terra" which means earth), Jack Russell terriers also have the disposition to hunt and scour for hunting. Thus, they should be given enough grooming so as to set off the dirt they gather from digging soil to either bury a treasure or to recover a hidden treasure kept long ago.

An excellent ratter, Jack Russell Terriers proves to be good "housekeepers" since they keep most rats away from home. Any unlucky rat that happens to be inside the quarters of this terrier is sure to meet its instant doom. Thus, owners find themselves with both a dog and cat in one pal.

One basic character of this dog is its disposition towards strangers. They can easily figure out who must be kept away from their homes and who can be accepted inside the house. This very attitude also makes them good watchdogs. They were designed specifically to be aggressive on preys. And while they can be very vocal, many of them only barks when they find good reason to.

They do not appear vicious though. But once they smell threat, they can show off aggressiveness that could serve as warning towards the strangers. However, once the stranger is let into the house by the owner, a Jack Russell can already tolerate his or her presence.

This terrier is also a family dog and desires for human companionship. And their love for children is significantly interesting. However, once they are abused or had been shown improper treatments, may it be intentional or accidental, they can react through aggressive behaviors. Their aggressiveness is further manifested with their lack of fear towards larger dogs which can unfortunately lead to injuries, some can even be fatal.

They are also marked for their intelligence and good spirit. These characteristics can be highly observable through their curiosity in things. Thus, they require supplementation on formal training unless you can tolerate difficult behaviors. The good thing though with Jack Russell is that it can acknowledge training and do well in most of them. In fact, they are known to champion various ring shows and other similar competitions.

The Hollywood has recognized the disposition of these dogs too. Coupled with feisty and good physical characteristics, this pal has already made names in the screens. If Wishbone, Milo (from The Mask) and Eddie (from the Frasier) ring the bell on you then there is no doubt that you can recognize this dog.

Jack Russell fair well with grooming. A dog of relatively small size, this breed will not tax you with grooming needs.

        Okay Bookie Bear you are not a terrier.I bet you just wanted to get in the picture!!!

Okay,so much for the tips.Now is the time when Nitro introduces his Video of the Day.
Nitro mostly does the Video of the Day but since he is off i will try my best to give our readers a good one.

Now i hope everybody Enjoyed This Video.It was cute and funny...
Until Next Time Everybody,Take Care...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

7 Tips to Naming Your Puppy

Hey Everybody,Its Blogging Time.Welcome and Thanks for dropping in.Here again to give you a few tips on keeping our furry friends safe and happy and healthy.
Firstly,i would like to wish my baby boy Nitro a speedy recovery.He has been a little under the weather.He had to go to the ER the other night for a little gagging,but nothing serious.So i would like to say hurry up and get well and we miss you on the set.Love You Baby Boy.If anyone would like to leave Nitro a few get well wishes,please take a minute to wish him well just leave them in the comment section.Thanks for everyone's support.
Now with that said.Let's Begin with the show.

Today I will talk about something that we must all do when we first get our lovely pets and that is to name our pet.Though you might not think it is not a big deal,think again.Here goes.Enjoy...:)

7 Tips to Naming Your Puppy

You'll use your puppy's name over 35,000 times in it's life.Here are 
seven tips to choosing a great name.

You’ve picked out the perfect puppy. You spent hours on the internet, 
researching the right breed for you and your family. 
Then you went from breeder to breeder or humane society to humane society, 
meeting and greeting pups until you find just the right match.

Now what? He needs a name!

Over the course of its life, you will use your dog’s name more than 35,000 
times. So be sure you’re picking a name you can live with and love.
(Like My Baby Boy.Nitro)

With these seven simple steps, the key to finding the perfect puppy name 
is at your fingertips!

Dogs understand short commands. Easy names with two or fewer syllables 
work well. 
Your puppy’s name shouldn’t sound like any commands. 
“Stacy” and “stay” are too close for comfort. Such a name will only 
confuse the issue.
Remember, you’ll be using your pup’s name in public. “Stinky” may be 
cute among your fellow fraternity members, but it won’t go over well at 
the veterinarian.
Make your kids part of the decision process. Kids like it simple, too, 
so if calling your Champion Cavalier King Spaniel “Bootsie” works for them, 
consider keeping the hoity toity name strictly for AKC purposes. 
You may think it’s an honor to name your pup after you’re 
favorite Uncle Norbert. 
Naming your baby after him may keep you in the will, but naming your
puppy after him may not. 
If you’re bringing home an older dog, ideally, stick with the name 
it already owns. 
Can’t stand it because “Barney” was the first boy who broke your heart? 
Then stick with similar sounds when choosing a new dog name. “Barney” morphs 
into “Farley” easily.
Once you’ve chosen a name, try it out for a day or so. You’ll know 
right away whether it’s a keeper. 
If not, there’s always more puppy names on your list!

Take a look around you. Everywhere you are, you'll find a variety of 
terrific ideas on what to name your pooch.

At first glance, a couple things will stand out about your new puppy.
Enjoy him or her for a day or two and take these into consideration.
Appearance. What’s your dog look like? His color, size, 
and personal style inspires a variety of name choices.
“Stubbs” would be a great name for a dachshund pup. Or you may call 
a cream colored cock-a-poo “Buffy.” 
Personality. Given a couple of days, your new dog’s personality will 
really shine through.
 Try “Cuddles” for the sweet little guy who loves to get cozy 
or “Puddles” for the pooch who can’t seem to find the doggie door.

If you want to go beyond the basics, many famous dog names or 
foreign dog names can fit the bill. 
Consider these favorite puppy names when making your decision.
Celebrity puppy names. Today, pooches have more celebrity following 
than their famous owners. Chew on “Lola,” a name used by both Hilary Duff 
and the Osbournes.
TV dogs. “Scooby” and “Astro” come to mind if you want to honor 
a famous TV pup. Movie dogs. Cool movies and cool dog names seem to 
go hand in hand.
Cool Hand Luke’s “Blue” would be a fitting label for a variety of dogs.
Comic dogs.
“Snoopy” will always be a favorite, but also consider “Daisy” or “Odie.” 
German dog names. For starters, try out “Fritz” or “Kaiser.” 
Irish dog names. “Finn” fits well for any pup, as does “Murphy,” which 
just happens to mean “hound of the sea.”
French puppy names. “Pierre” and “Gigi” are top contenders for any dog, 
especially those with a little oo-la-la in their genes.
The choices are endless. However, with these simple tips and some thought, 
before long, you’ll have found the perfect puppy name! 
Okay,this is where Nitro comes in but since he's off,I'll give this a try.
This should be pretty funny,so here goes...Enjoy!



 I hope you enjoyed the video,because it was so funny.
Okay Everybody,Until Next Time...