Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why You Should Use a Muzzle During Pet Grooming!!!

Grooming a pet at home can either be a good or bad experience for both pet and
groomer. Pets as well as the groomer can get streesed out. The pets may behave
differently when getting bathed or their nails clipped. They can snap or bite at
the groomer even if it is someone they love. If a loving, docile pet does not want
to be there, they can become all teeth and nails.
Muzzling a pet is the most humane way to protect both human and animal during
grooming. A muzzle fits aroung the dogs mouth and is secured around the back of
the head with ties or straps. The dog feels no discomfort when wearing the muzzle.
There's room for the pet to breathe, but keeps the dog from biting. Muzzles come
in all sizes. Small dogs can inflict painful bites also.
There are no muzzles made for cats, but there is a head bag that fits over the
entire head that keeps the cat from biting. The bag is thin enough for the cat to
breathe, but will restrict head movement. The most popular muzzle is called the
softie. It's made of pliable, soft material, but provides plenty of resistance.
The DuPont fabric is known to not tear during the pet grooming experience. It can
also be machine washed. If you're going to groom more than one animal, wash the
muzzle between grooming so as not to pass disease or bacteria. Pet grooming
experts believe you should not keep the muzzle on for an extended period of time
because it could interfere with the natural cooling system of the animal.
If you're dealing with an overly aggressive dog, you should use a leather muzzle.
The leather has enough strength to restrain the dog, and allows adequate space for
the dog to cool down. These muzzles can also be used during walks, to warn passers
by that the dog is not friendly. The one drawback of the muzzle is that if your
dog is attacked by another dog they would have no way to defend themselves.
Make your grooming experience a good one and utilize the muzzle if you need to.
Get Your Pet Grooming Course Now!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

How to Keep Your Pet Safe!

Most of or all of today's Pet Owners will attest to pet grooming as a number
one necessity.You can swing either way,you can do it yourself or turn to a
professional.Be careful in choosing a professional or expert because i can

assure you that there are many many horror stories about this subject and some
are very bone chilling.You can use this article as a guide as to be on the
look out for some of the red flags that may show up in the process especially
the very first time you visit a professional groomer.

On your first visit,have the groomer to give you a little tour of the grooming
area so this way you can size up the equipment and to make sure the area is
clean and suitable for your pet.Simple things like seeing that there is clean
water and cages.Check to make sure that the area is not soiled or nasty(you
don't want your pet to come out looking sick or shabby or worse than it was
before you took him there).You don't need your catching transmittable
diseases.Make sure there are clean towels and blankets plus there should be
nice clean soft area for your pet to lie down.One of the most popular red
flags to look for is multiple color of hairs on the floor because that is a
tell tale sign that the groomer is not sanitizing between animals.Take a look
at their clippers to make sure they are sanitized and make sure there are hair
and blood free.If you see any of these red flags you should consider looking
at another groomer.

Notice how the pet groomer expert is dressed.This can be very important
because if the expert isn't dressed properly then they just may not be as
sanitary as they may to be.(Blood or Stain on clothes can be a bad sign).After
all you want your pet to be handle in a very clean and fashionable way!
Remember this is the reason you took it there in the first place.Notice how
the groomer may interact with your pet whether they are mild mannered or the
way they talk to your animal is also important.Remember that when you leave
your pet with the expert groomer you want to make sure they are in good hands.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Proper Way to Bathe Your House Pet...

When bathing your pet, make sure the environment is slip free. Placing a rubber mat in the tub or sink is key to making your pet feel secure. Placing

one on the floor is also necessary for your safety to prevent slippage. If
you choose to bathe your pet outdoors, make sure the area is secure so if

they break away from you they won't run into the street or otherwise meet any harm.

When choosing shampoo, always get one specially formulated for your type of

pet. These types of shampoo are mild and won't strip your pets coat of

essential oils. If you must use shampoo made for humans, try to use one

meant for infants. It should also be unscented.

Bathing your dog with perfumed shampoo with probably make him want roll in

the dirt to get rid of the scent. You should give your pet a thorough

brushing before bathing. Your pet will be relaxed and you will get rid
of the loose hair that can clog your drain. This will also have a relaxing

effect on you.

Remember To Test The WaterTemp...

The water you use should be lukewarm, not hot. Hot water can burn your pets

sensitive skin, and cold water can chill your pet. If using a tub, don't

fill the tub full of water. Too much water can make your pet nervous and
also increase the amount of water splashed on the floor. Less is more.
If using a hose, be careful of your pets ears, noses and mouths. Getting

water in these areas will not be pleasant for your pet. When you start

lathering the shampoo, start just behind your pets ears and work towards the

pets tail using a circular motion. Once you complete the massage, rinse
your pet thoroughly. Any soap left in their coat will
irritate their skin causing them to scratch. This could also lead to your
treating your pet for hot spots.


Use a large towel to dry them off, giving yourself time
to play and cuddle with your best friend. Show them you
love them and that bath time can be fun.

Download Your FREE Report on Pet Care and Grooming Click Here.

Get Your Doggie Success Blueprint Here.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Why Good Pet Grooming Experts Are Hard To Find

Dogs don’t like people hovering over them when they use the bathroom. Most all pets are

territorial animals whether they are dogs,wolves,bears,lions,etc. They protect their

territory (home and property) by barking and sometimes attacking intruders. Dogs never

act the same as they do at home when brought to a different place they don't know and
confronts them with a lot of new and unfamiliar smells. We will teach and show you methods the whole family can use, based on your particular needs and abilities, to create harmony in behavior, and enhanced love and understanding between people and animals in your home.

Your pet groomer professional license can be compared to that of a licensed cosmetologist.Pet groomers are certified by the State you live in and should bide by the rules and policies or there can be penalities or even a license can be revoked,especially if there is a consumer complaint,So make sure when choosing a pet groomer make sure you get to know them a little bit.

Pet grooming is important to pet ownership. Grooming will ensure the pets emotional and
physical health. A dog or cat must be groomed to ensure that not only do they look good,
but they are made safe by having their nails and hair cut properly. Most people do not
have the time to go through the hassle of grooming their pets at home. This process can
be a very big mess and can cause serious injury to the animal if it is done by a non-
professional groomer.
Expert pet grooming is expensive, but with the right groomer your
pet will look good and feel good. Some professional pet groomers, though trained
professionally, do not do a good job and there has been some instances of pet groomers
hurting or mistreating animals.Please take some time to find a good groomer that will be
a good mix with you pet.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting the Stink out of Your Dog !!!

Dog owners who live near a forest, beside a river, or on a farm will be quick to tell you that there is something about stinky, decaying, items that appeals to dogs. It doesnt seem to matter if it is black swamp water, dead fish, or a pile of slimy manure, if it stinks and can be rolled in, the dog is happy. While smelling like a walking barking sewer system is a dogs idea of heaven on earth, its owners are normally less then enthusiastic. The odor emitting from their pet means that they have to take time out of their busy day to either take their pet to the pet groomer and have it bathed, or they have to bath their dog themselves. Even then there is no way that they can be sure that the offensive odor will wash out of the dogs coat.

Dog experts believe that dogs roll in things like dead fish, road kill, and manure in an attempt to disguise themselves. What nobody know is why they feel the need to camouflage their scent. It could be a throwback to the days when they hunted their dinner, if the prey couldnt smell them, they stood a better chance of capturing something to eat. Another reason dogs might feel the need to hide their scent is protections. They might be trying to hide from potential predators or other packs of once feral dogs. Maybe stinking like a landfill made it easier to be accepted into another pack. On the other hand its possible that dogs roll in the stinkiest object they can find just because it feels good. Nobody really knows for sure why dogs feel the need to smell.
A Precautious Tip...
The quickest, most efficient way to remove odor from your dogs coat is to wash your dog. Try to use a shampoo that is specifically designed for dogs. Human shampoos can strip the dogs coat of its natural oils, leaving the skin unprotected and open to rashes and infections. Dog shampoos are made to clean the dogs coat, without stripping it of the natural oils. If the dogs stink is especially strong, like the scent of a skunk, bathing the dog in tomato juice is one of the quickest ways to remove the smell.

If you have dog that consistently rolls in stinky, smelly items, you may want to consider taking him to a professional pet groomer and having his coat clipped. The shorter coat will be more comfortable for the dog during the hot summer months and while the shorter hair wont prevent your dog from rolling in the smelly items, the shorter coat will be easier for you to wash, and will dry faster.
Could it Be More Serious???

If you have bathed you dog and still notice a strong odor whenever it is in your presence the source of the smell might not be the dogs coat but a more serious health problem. When they have dental issues they have breath the smells so foul that you can smell it throughout your entire house. Strong breath odor can also indicate more serious diseases such as kidney failure and diabetes. Dogs are also prone to having anal sacs that become impacted and infected, and therefore extremely stinky. If washing your dog does not seem to take care of the odor you will want to take your dog to your veterinarian and have the stinky problem officially diagnosed so that treatments can begin.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pet Grooming and the Mental Health of Your Pet

Help Your Pet Stay Sane...

When you have your pet groomed properly
, you are setting

the standard for a healthy pet, both physically and

mentally. Whether you have a cat, dog or gerbil, the

mental health of your pet reflects on the physical

condition also and the relationship the owner has with

his/her pet.

When a cat has nails that need clipping or a dog has hair that is too long for the summer, these animals are in

dire need of care. Getting your pet groomed can provide

emotional support and show that you care for your pet.

The pet will respect the owner more when quality time

while grooming is applied.

The bonding that occurs between a pet and owner during grooming is very important to your pets mental health.

While grooming, you are stroking your animal and taking

mats and snags out of ther hair that may have been a

source of discomfort. Your pet is more at ease during

the grooming process. You can use brushes, clippers, or

a variety of other instruments. Let your pet smell the

instruments before you start applying them to their hair

or skin. They will feel less stressed the more familiar

they are with the objects you are using.

Be Gentle With Your Pets...

If you use noisy clippers, turn them on a good distance

from your pet. Turn them off and walk toward your pet,

turning them on and gently putting the vibration next to

their body. Once they see the clippers won't hurt them,

they will be more susceptible to them.

You should start with gentle, soothing words and sounds.

Your pet will look forward to the daily routine and the

attention from their owner. Your pet will look forward to

the bonding that grooming allows them with you. They

will feel more secure and the trust will grow. This will

produce an animal that has sharper instincts and better

mental health.

If you should cut the nail too short or cause any kind of

discomfort to your animal, be sure to give them extra

hugs and lots of attention. Make a big deal over it.

They will realize it was a mistake, and the trust and

love will return.

Pet grooming is a time for bonding between owner and

animal. You both will feel better as the confidence

grows in both of you. Your pet will know that you will

be there for them and keep them as healthy as possible.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The History of Pet Grooming

The History of Pet Grooming

Since pet grooming is such a common practice, people

don't think twice about spending a lot of money having

their pets groomed regularly by a professional.

Lets look at the history of grooming. If you look at

paintings of the Elizabethan era you will see pets that

are well groomed. Was pet grooming an actual profession

back then or was the local barber responsible for pet

care as well as cutting hair and medical

responsibilities? Did the Lord or Lady have their hair

cut alongside their pet? There are paintings from that

era that show a dog being sheared while sitting on ladies


In the 17th century, poodles received recognition for

being the dog of the court in France. It's also recorded

that professional grooming parlors were open for dogs.

"The Book of the Dog" was written in 1879 by Shaw. This

book gave helpful hints of how to clean, groom and keep

your dog healthy. This was concerning dog grooming in


Once animals became more a part of society, work animals

and pets alike became more important based on how they

looked. Either professional groomers or their owners

groomed them. Horses were groomed by stable boys or

their owners based on the owners taste or wealth. Once

automobiles and machines replaced animal labor, the

grooming of the animal became a more personal reflection

of the owner, especially in high society. Having a well

groomed animal was a sign of prosperity and wealth.

The perception today of pet grooming is that the animal

is considered a source of pride as well as being a part

of the family. Organizations such as 4h incorporate pet

grooming into their program. This not only displays the

health of the animal, but also the owners attention to

the animal.

Educate Yourself on Pet Grooming!It Helps!!!

Current animal grooming techniques and the

products of the pet grooming industry are presented at

special events. During parades and rodeos horses and

other livestock are adorned making them showpieces for

the event. There are pet grooming conventions that meet

around the United States and the world to show the latest

techniques and equipment used in the pet grooming


There are also web pages dedicated to the art of pet grooming and being a long-standing profession there is a

lot of pride associated with it. So, the next time you

visit your pet grooming expert, remember they have been

backed by centuries of expertise, refinement and

dedication to the art so you know your pet will be taken

care of with pride and integrity.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Common Mistakes in Home Pet Grooming

Lets take a look at several mistakes dog owners make

while attempting to groom their pets at home. With

patience and the right equipment, pet grooming can become

a learned skill and a duty that will save the pet owner

both time and money. You have to be careful because a

slip of the clipper can cause serious injury to your pet.

Physical and emotional injury. Once you cause pain to

your pet, trust can be lost and your pet may react

differently to you.

Not Too Close...

Getting too close to the skin while shaving is a common

mistake. The clippers can leave a painful razor burn

that can later become infected. If this happens, stop

and clean the wound, then apply an anti-bacterial salve.

Hug your pet and let it know you are sorry and that it

was an accident. They will understand the affection if

not the words. If the wound becomes red or there is pus,

contact your vet immediately. You can get a protective

collar to keep your pet from licking or otherwise

irritating the wound.

Please Don't Blind The Pooch!

Another mistake in pet grooming is getting shampoo or

other chemicals in the pets eyes. Soap can splash from

your pets head movement and once it gets into your pets

eyes it can sting the eyes and lead to a very unpleasant

experience. Wash the soap out with water or saline

solution and dab the corners of the eye with a sterile

cloth. Be sure to soothe your pet and you can distract

them with a toy or ball to take the focus off their eyes.

Move the toy back and forth and as your pet watches the

toy, look into their eyes for signs of irritation.

Leaving your animal unrestrained during grooming can be a

fatal mistake. Some animals will run and possibly put

themselves in dangerous situations trying to escape the

grooming process. Make sure your dog is on a leash. You

can also muzzle your pet to protect both of you. If you

wash your dog outside, make sure the area is fenced in so

there will be no temptation to run.

Maybe Professionalism is Better...Not!!!

Professional grooming is the best option, but doing it

yourself can be a rewarding experience, not to mention

saving yourself some money. If the proper safety tips

are followed you can bond with your pet and have a very

successful experience.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pet Grooming Options for Cats

Pet Grooming Options for Cats

If you have a cat, deciding which pet groomer will be best is crucial since there are not many cat groomers
around. Look carefully at which facilities offer cat

grooming expertise. Cats can be hard to groom because

they are finicky animals, putting the groomer at risk for

bites and scratches. Choosing a good groomer for your

cat will ensure the health and happiness of your pet.

A bad pet groomer can make mistakes and hurt the animal,

making the cat emotionally distraught.

Grooming Cats is a lot Harder...

Grooming cats is a difficult job and some of the best dog groomers refuse to groom cats because of the danger to

themselves and the animal. Most cats don't like water

and bathing them can be an adventure. Since most cats

can become emotionally distraught when immersed in water,

a good pet groomer can calm the cat and protect both

parties involved.

A good cat groomer will use the necessary equipment and

gloves to make bathing more pleasant for the cat. These

techniques are designed to give the animal confidence in

the groomer and to keep the pet safe.

Cutting mats off of long-haired cats is the most

difficult job for a cat groomer. Persians and Blue Hairs

are known for having big mats several inches in diameter.
They can be tightly packed against the skin. These mats

need to be cut short enough to brush out without shaving

the hair off the skin. Long-haird cats can be open to

infection and disease if they have no hair on their body.

This can be costly to fix. This can also lead to skin

cancer and other skin diseases if the pet lives outside.

Depending on the distance to the groomer, the pet owner

may need to drive to the groomer and leave the cat


Check Before You Leave The Groomer...

Before you leave the groomer, inspect your

animal and make sure there are no serious cuts or

abrasions. Run your fingers through the animals coat to

make sure all mats have been removed.

You can tip the professional 15% of the total charges if

you are happy with the service. You can brush your cat

daily to avoid mats and prevent frequent trips to the


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Home Pet Grooming Tips

Home Pet Grooming Tips

Pet grooming can be done at home by the owner or someone

who has gone to school to learn the skills necessary to

become a professional. If you are a hands-on type of

person, Here are some safety tips to consider. Your

pet is very special and you will want to keep the pet safe

during the grooming process. Pain or injury caused by

unsafe practices can cause very emotional stress to your pet

and you want to keep your pet as calm and happy as possible. Once

you lose trust of your animal,it may be hard to re-establish.

Clip all excess hair in the dogs ears.

Most pets do not like this, but the excess hair can build

moisture and trap bacteria causing ear infections or

become a breeding ground for ear mites. This can cause

your pet a great deal of discomfort. Infections can cause

your animal to scratch and shake their head. Mites may

cause the pet to damage their inner ear by sticking

their nails inside to scratch.

Dogs with large ears have a predisposition for ear

problems and the constant shaking of their ears can

rupture blood vessels which can lead to discomfort.

You can use nose hair trimmers to remove ear hair, or

let a professional remove it with their specialized equipment.

Remember To Keep Your Pet As Calm As Possible.

Clippers may scare the pet, so calm him by stroking him with

the other hand along with soothing words.

Shaving the animal completely is another mistake made by

a novice groomer. If the pet is kept outside, it is not

a good idea to shave all the hair off the pet. The coat

is protection from the cold and sun which can cause

serious skin damage to your pet. This could result in

costly vet visits. The hair in some breeds, secrete

essential oils that lubricate and protect the skin, while

others, such as Labradors, have two coats that serve

different functions for the animals safety. You also

want to shave mats as close as possible until you are

able to work them out with a brush.

Brush the hair backwards against the grain and then move

your clippers with the grain. Vary the length of the

clipper comb with the length and thickness of coat. The

inexperience pet groomer can use home hair clippers, but

experiment in one unnoticeable area before continuing the

entire job. Be careful when shaving the underbelly. Do

not cut the dogs nipples, this can be very painful for

the pet and this can lead to another vet visit. Home pet

grooming can be an inexpensive way to keep your pet healthy

and happy, but it can also lead to injury of your pet if

you don't follow the safety tips.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where to Find Pet Grooming Supplies

Where to Find Pet Grooming Supplies

After going to the pet groomer a few times, you've decided to try it yourself.

One of the many questions a pet owner would like to know is where to get pet grooming


Accessories You Should Have...

You will need a variety of pet accessories such as clippers, scissors, brushes and combs. The Breed of dog you have and whether they

have long or short hair will determine the supplies you will need. The thickness of

your pets coat is important because some clippers can cause pain or irritation.

You can find pet grooming supplies at your local veterinarian. Purchasing items at

the vet may be costly due to the vets high markup, but you can purchase

clippers, nail clippers and even small clippers for ear hair. You can always call ahead

to make sure that your vet has the proper supplies for your breed of dog.
If you need more variety, and a larger selection, many online pet grooming supply

companies exist.

Some offer next day air and you can get tips on how to groom your pet. They also offer

information on different styles and cuts. You can get products like shampoos, conditioners

and products that remove fleas, ticks and other infestations at your local pet store. If your

animal has sensitive skin, be careful because some products can leave rashes or

otherwise irritate your pets skin.

Take Your Time and Find a Store with Your Pets Various Needs

You can also check out the large pet outlet stores. They carry pet grooming supplies

as well as other supplies your pet might need. At most of the pet outlet stores, You can

also make an appointment with a professional groomer at the store. Most may have

a walk-in policy. With the options available to you, proper grooming is something you can

provide to your pet and help him be healthy, happy and safe.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Didn't forget the Kittys...

Pet Grooming to Prevent Hairballs

Cat owners are all too familiar with hairballs. When

cats groom themselves orally it involves swallowing large

amounts of hair. Although most of the swallowed hair can

pass harmlessly through the digestive system, some does

not. That's when problems occur. The hair that remains

in the cat's digestive system can stick to other

undigested hair and form hairballs in the cats stomach.

Large hairballs pose greater risks to the cats health.

A lot of cats can rid themselves of a hairball by hacking

it up. Though higher pitched, they can sound like a

person with dry heaves. Most cats seem to deposit the

hairball in the places where their owners seem to walk

barefoot like the bathroom floor.

Cat owners don't like having balls of half digested hair

littering their home, but even worse is having hairballs

that remain in their cats stomach. Once the large

hairball enters the cats intestines it can create a

blockage that means a trip to the vet for emergency

surgery. This can be very costly.

Watch The Signs...

There are signs to look for if you think your cat has a

hairball. Loss of appetite, constipation, depression,

constant coughing and hacking or if your cat is ignoring

their personal grooming and letting their coat become

dirty and matted.

Grooming your pet is a wonderful way to prevent

hairballs. Brushing your cat once a day will remove dead

hair from the cats coat. Purchase a brush made for cats.

The bristles are specially designed for cat hair. This

time grooming your cat can strengthen the bond between

you and your cat.

Trimmimg your cat, whether the cat is a long haired or

short haired cat can help a great deal also.

There are also cat foods on the market that can help

prevent hairballs from forming in the digestive system.

Cat owners can also consult their veterinarian for other

methods of hairball control.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why is Pet Grooming So Important?

Why is Pet Grooming Important

To answer this important question, pet grooming is a very

important aspect of hygiene and the emotional well being

of your pet. Can you imagine not being able to choose

how and when to cleanse yourself. Not getting your hair

cut or nails done. Your pets don't have that luxury. Of

course they groom themselves with their tongues and paws,

but having no opposing thumbs they cannot pick up a scrub

brush and get at the hard to reach places. Our pets need

the care, love and attention of their owners and pet

grooming lets them know they are loved as well as getting

their needs met.

When you get a new puppy or kitten, grooming is an

important way to bond with them. The constant touching

when you brush or wash your pet is soothing

and gives the
young pet a sense of well being.

The more attention you give to your pet, the stronger

the relationship between caregiver and animal becomes.

Grooming a pet early on also prepares them for interacting

with a professional groomer later on. The pet will feel more secure

and the situation will be less stressful when they are being

handled by a stranger.

Eliminate Pet Scariness

Pets will get used to the necessary tools used in

grooming if they are groomed at an early age. Scissors

and brushes can be scary to a puppy or kitten.initial reaction

might to be to bite or claw at the brush. By starting slow and

using soothing sounds, the owner can make the animal feel

more comfortable thus allowing for stronger strokes to applied.

Once confidence and bonding builds, the entire pet grooming

process and be utilized.

Trimming of pets nails is another aspect of grooming.

Inside pets especially need their nails cut since they

have a tendency to grow and be painful to walk on. The

nails will split easier if left unattended irritating the

pets paws.

Good grooming started early enough,pets will

grow to be a stable animal with the good benefits of

hygiene and good health. It will become a habit that

both the pet and the owner will grow to enjoy together.

Other family members can bond with the pet also through

grooming. Get Your FREE Pet Care Report Here.

Info on Pet Care/
Behavior Training
Click Here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dogs that Itch

Does your dog have dry itchy skin? Skin so uncomfortable

that the dog is constantly scratching and biting until it

has removed all the hair from one particular area and the

flesh is raw and bloody. Most dog owners call this bald

spot a hot spot. It is an eyesore and causes the dog

owner such embarrasment, they won't take the dog out of

the house. The sound of the poor dog constantly whining,

crying, scratching and tearing at its skin can be very

annoying for the dog owner as well.

There are chemical treatments that can help. Although most

of these treatments work, some dogs can have severe and

sometimes fatal allergies to the chemicals. Grooming

would be a wise choice to treat their dogs constant


Since a lot of canine itching can be caused by pollens,

dirt, mats and dander on the dogs coat, brushing your dog

on a daily basis would be a great place to start. This

will keep your dogs skin from getting irritated. While

preventing a bout of itching, you will also be bonding

with your pet.

Bathing your pet can prevent an itching problem also.

Although too much water and shampoo can completely strip

your dogs skin of its natural oils so don't plan on

bathing the dog every day. When these oils are removed,

the dogs skin gets dry and more prone to infections.

Dry skin on a dog is just as painful as it is to a human

that suffers similar conditions. The dog can't rub

lotion on themselves to solve the problem.

Pay close attention to your dog's ears when you groom

them. They can get ear mites which are small biting

insects in their ears. When the ear mites bite, it

causes the dog to scratch at their ears causing other

health issues. A strange odor coming from the dogs ears
or if the dog does not want you to touch their ears

probably means an ear infection. Check with your

veterinarian on the best way to treat your dogs ear


If your dog still develops a hot spot, consult your vet

about what topical antibiotic cream would best prevent

infection. If your dog chews the spot, the veterinarian

may recommend your dog wear the large cone shaped collar

to prevent the scratching and biting, giving the area

time to heal.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Grooming Your Pet

Hate Pet Grooming - Well check this out

Has pet grooming left a bad taste in your mouth? Has it been a bad experience for you
and your beloved friend? It doesn't have to rattle your nerves.
Some pet owners will resort to taking their pet to a professional groomer, only to
find that they have no magic tricks up their sleeves either. At best, sometimes they
can only do so much, leaving your pet uncombed, half clipped and not very happy for
the experience.
Animals really don't like to be groomed. Dogs, especially would rather play in the
dirt, mud, and water, but once their owner gets that bath water ready, they seem to
develop a crazy fear of the water. Cats who love to be stroked, go wild when that
brush starts coming their way. Pet owners need to realize that if they brush or bathe
their pets at home, the groomer probably won't be able to. They are not trainers, but
they can make your pet look good.
If you start your pet young, you can program them to appreciate being groomed. Of
course puppies and kittens won't sit still, but they are much easier to hold on to at
that age. They will be so happy with the attention from you that they will associate
the grooming time with play time with you. By the time they are a year or two they
will be more accepting of the grooming process.
Pay attention to your pets ears. You want to make sure you clean them and get them
used to having their ears handled at a young age. That way if their vet needs to
treat them for ear infections at a later date, it won't be so difficult.
Nail trimming can be a tramatic experience for you and the pet. So make sure you
touch their paws so they can get accustomed to the feel of your hands because you will
eventually have to trim their nails
Be sure to reward your pet once the grooming is done. Treats and play time are always
good. They will be more likely to sit still for the grooming if they know the fun is
next. Don't groom your pet if you're having a bad day, they will pick up on it. Use
the time to play with your pet instead. They'll still have your attention and it can
improve your mood as well. Be positive and each grooming session can be very
rewarding for the both of you.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Combination Approach to Feeding

The combination approach to feeding your Pet

is the way to go. When you're comparing commercial food

to fresh people food, the fresh food wins. Although most

commercial food is good for your Pet, it can lack

nutrients and vitamins contained in the fresh food. Vets

will tell you that fresh food is good, just don't overdo

it. If the food smells good to your Pet, he/she will

want it because they love fresh food.

Most commercial foods provide great sources of protein

and vitamins, but fresh food contains more essential

sources. Meat and chicken have a lot more protein and

minerals than commercial dog food. Fish contains

beneficial protein for your pets brain health.

You need to provide your dog with the required minerals.

Since each dog is an individual, you should vary their

diet, don't continue to feed them the same food on a

daily basis. Experiment with different foods. They will

be happy with the variety.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Choosing a Puppy

Choose the Right Puppy.

When choosing a puppy for your household, there a few things to consider. First, will the dog get along with children or any other animals in the home? How's the puppy's disposition? Do you want a purebred or mixed breed, or just a lovable mutt.

Financially, a mixed breed might be a better choice since a purebred can be rather expensive. On the other hand, the mutt can be just as energetic and lovable and loyal as the other breeds. Consider size as well. Do you have enough room to accommodate a large dog, or do you want a house dog. Dogs need room to run and play, so consider what is best for you and the dog.

Pet Issues

A puppy's personality develops around seven weeks of age, so take your time and shop around for your perfect match. You want to be able to hold and cuddle your new pup. Try dropping a book during a quiet moment and see if the puppy runs and hides. Get on your hands and knees and play with the pup to see if he responds in an aggressive manner.

Starting your search can include asking your friends, or your neighborhood vet or local shelter or ASPCA. There is also a website that can help

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Proper Way to Bathe Your House Pet

When bathing your pet, make sure the environment is slip free. Placing a rubber mat in the tub or sink is key to making your pet feel secure. Placing one on the floor is also necessary for your safety to prevent slippage. If
you choose to bathe your pet outdoors, make sure the area is secure so if they break away from you they won't run into the street or otherwise meet any harm.

When choosing shampoo, always get one specially formulated for your type of pet. These types of shampoo are mild and won't strip your pets coat of essential oils. If you must use shampoo made for humans, try to use one meant for infants. It should also be unscented.

Bathing your dog with perfumed shampoo with probably make him want roll in the dirt to get rid of the scent. You should give your pet a thorough brushing before bathing. Your pet will be relaxed and you will get rid
of the loose hair that can clog your drain. This will also have a relaxing effect on you.

The water you use should be lukewarm, not hot. Hot water can burn your pets sensitive skin, and cold water can chill your pet. If using a tub, don't fill the tub full of water. Too much water can make your pet nervous and
also increase the amount of water splashed on the floor. Less is more.
If using a hose, be careful of your pets ears, noses and mouths. Getting water in these areas will not be pleasant for your pet. When you start lathering the shampoo, start just behind your pets ears and work towards the pets tail using a circular motion. Once you complete the massage, rinse
your pet thoroughly. Any soap left in their coat will
irritate their skin causing them to scratch. This could also lead to your treating your pet for hot spots.

Use a large towel to dry them off, giving yourself time
to play and cuddle with your best friend. Show them you
love them and that bath time can be fun.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Welcome to Bozogs Hot Blog.

Welcome to Bozogs Hot Blog.Here you will find lots of information on Pets,pet grooming and ways to take care of your pet. Stay posted for more to come.