Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5 Tips For Training Dogs Successfully

 Hey Everybody,Its Blogging Time.yoby here with my best bud Nitro and we're ready to give you some top tips on helping your furry loved ones to stay safe and healthy...
Today we will explore the wonderful world of training your dog/dogs properly.So lets get started...
Training dogs is not hard. You just need patience, dedication and some simple tactics and you will teach them successfully.

Here are five top tips on how to train your dogs successfully:

1. To avoid your dog getting confused and so that they can learn to recognize commands easily only one person should be responsible for training the dog initially. If too many people are trying to train the dog at the same time this can stop progress in its tracks.

2. You should use positive reinforcements. If the dog does something good, you should reward this behavior so that he will know that what he did was right. If the dog cannot understand or follow your commands, never push him. Dogs are not as intelligent as humans, they make mistakes. What you should understand is that they won’t easily understand your commands in just one teaching, it takes repetition to train a dog successfully. Do not scold your dog as he might develop fear which will hinder his learning and willingness to be trained. You can use treats in order to encourage your dogs, although don’t overdue it.

3. Teach commands one at a time. Try to teach him one command after the other. If he cannot absorb it, try to stay on that command only because adding additional commands will just confuse the dog. Start with the basics.

4. In executing commands, you should keep your voice cheerful so that the dog will happily follow your commands. Dogs will respond to a low and coaxing voice. If you shout out loud, he may become startled and unresponsive.

5. Train your dog in various places. If you keep your dogs in a certain place like your home, he will not be able to adjust with the environment new people. Take him to the park or through the neighborhood. This will help your dog associate with other dogs and people.

Training your dog can sometime be tough, but it will be worth it. In the end, you will be the one to benefit when your dog is trained. You don’t know he might even save your life one day and pay back everything you taught him. 

Tips To Think About!!!
Finding a good dog training professional
With so many people advertising in the field of professional dog training today, trying to determine who's truly qualified to look after your dog can be overwhelming.  What to look for when choosing a professional to help you with dog training :

 1) A good reputation, ask around and get recommendations from your vet, other dog owners, or local kennel clubs.
 2) Experience. - Inquire about their background,  i.e. number of years experience.
3)A genuine love of and devotion to dogs.
 4) Extensive and up to date knowledge. Dedicated trainers keep themselves updated by attending dog training and animal behaviour courses, conferences, seminars and workshops.
 5) Their training methodology and handling skills. A good trainers first concern should be the dogs well being.
  6) Memberships with reputable associations, organizations and training clubs.

General dog obedience tips

Training should be a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your dog. If you are not in the right mood for training, don’t even begin. Always reward your dog for obeying your commands promptly! A reward is anything that your dog wants and is willing to work for. Treats are an obvious reward but other rewards could be verbal praise and toys. Several shorter sessions are usually better than one long one. Training should not involve any negative components or punishment . There should be no shouting, no hitting or smacking, no chain jerking on choke chains or collars, and absolutely no electric shocking! Each training session should be enjoyable and positive with rewards for jobs well done.

Training with head collars
Pulling on the lead is one of the few unpleasant experiences of bringing up a new puppy or dog. Using a head collar for dog training has become very popular over the last few years. Training with a head collar does have some advantages over the traditional training collar. Although very simple to use, it is important that head collars are fitted correctly and your dog properly introduced to the collar. Head collars are generally more intuitive to use than a traditional training collar. Head collars are very effective when controlling dogs in difficult situations.
(Nitro):Is it my turn Dad?
Yes,Baby Boy your turn...
(Nitro): Everybody is gonna Love This.I Promise!

(Nitro):I told you it was funny!
Good Video Nitro.It was funny!!!
Until Next Time Everybody,Take Care...

Friday, April 11, 2014

5 Steps to a Better-Behaved Pet

(Nitro):Hey Everybody,My Dad is on a break,He'll Be back in a little while.So  i'll do this blog for starters.So,it's blogging Time....

(Nitro):Today we will be talking about 5-Steps to a Better-Behaved Pet and who should know better than me? No one...(No,just kidding)...So sit back and Enjoy your tips and info...

Want to live a healthier lifestyle? Get a dog.

Studies show that pet ownership helps reduce stress, lowers blood pressure and fends off feelings of loneliness and depression.

While nothing can top the love and companionship of a dog, there are some unpleasant behaviors that just won't do - from barking all night to wetting the floor to chewing on your shoes when you're not looking.

If your dog is exhibiting this type of behavior, it may be acting out due to boredom, pent-up aggression or because of lack of training. With proper lifestyle adjustments and diligent training, you'll be on your way to having a happy, well-behaved pet. The following tips will help your furry friend become more obedient:

* Spay or neuter. The Humane Society of the United States says that this common procedure can help your dog live longer, be healthier and have fewer behavior problems.

* Help your pet relax. Just like people, dogs can get anxious, agitated and stressed. That's why some veterinarians suggest giving your dog a calming product, such as Pluto Pet's Pet Calming Spray, to help relieve hyperactivity.

Made with natural ingredients, Pet Calming Spray acts quickly to relieve restlessness, fear, nervousness and aggression and helps antsy pets sleep through the night, according to the manufacturer.

* Have a workout routine. Provide your canine companion with regularly scheduled walks twice a day. This will help your dog avoid boredom, which can lead to destructive behavior.

* Go to school. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, enrolling your dog in an obedience class will teach you how to control your dog's behavior both safely and humanely.

* Be patient. Though teaching your furry friend to be more obedient may take determination on your part, it's worth it. After all, as man's best friend, your dog will appreciate bonding with you during the process.

(Nitro):Until Next Time,Take Care....

Monday, April 7, 2014

10 Most Important Tips To Training Your Puppies

Hey Everybody,Its blogging time.yoby and Nitro is in the house! Hope everyone had a great weekend.Good,its time to relax.So sit back,get your favorite beverage.Enjoy and we hope you have a great evening or day....

All of us dream of parenting the perfect dog, a pup that is a CGC or canine good citizen and is well behaved and dependable at all times. Well dreams do come true if the training is done with care and dedication. Remember pups learn from day one and need to be taught what is right, what is wrong, and proper socialization.

Pups are like children, they need constant supervision and training. Training a pup need not be an ordeal all you need to keep in mind are a few simple rules:

•    Until your pup learns you need to keep an eye on him at all times. When you cannot then you must crate him. Create a schedule for the pup this will help the pup settle down quickly. The schedule must include things like hourly bath rooming visits, eating times, rest periods, walks, play time, training, and so on. A pup that has a busy day has no time to be bored and get into mischief.

•    Teach the pup to respect you. Dogs live in packs and instinctively follow a leader. If you establish your leadership in no uncertain terms then training will become easy as the pup will obey you at all times and not challenge your authority.

•    Use only positive training methods. Never shout at, hit, or punish a dog. It is not just cruel but can lead to behavioral problems. Use of electric shocks, prong collars, sprays, and so on could hurt the animal.

•    Teach the pup “nothing in life is free.” This is a system that is widely acknowledged as a useful training tool. If you practice this, the pup will learn that to get something like love, a walk, or treat, he must behave well.

•    Teach the meaning of “No,” from day one. Do not encourage behaviors like jumping, mouthing, tug-o-war, barking, or running out of open gates and doors. Praise good behavior and ignore or walk away when there is bad behavior. The pup will learn that if he misbehaves he will loose his companion/playmate.

•    To correct a behavior you must catch the pup in the act and startle him by rattling a can of pebbles. Once you have done this make him correct his behavior and immediately offer him a treat and praise. Pups do not recall what happened earlier so scolding him after an event is of no use.

•    Always call/use his name positively. Never say “Bad TOM,” or “No Tom,” this will cause confusion and the pup will think that if you call his name then it is something bad. The pup must associate his name with happy events like hugs, petting, walks, treats, and such. If this happens he will come willingly when you call out his name.

•    Create a training schedule that is short and sweet say 10 minutes thrice a day. Long repetitive lessons can be boring and the pup will loose interest in learning. Make learning fun and use trick training to teach commands like sit, down, come and so on.

•    Bond with the pup and both of you will enjoy your lessons. The pup must look forward to spending time with you and not avoid you by running away or hiding. Be sure to socialize the pup early. Socialization is one of the most important lessons. The pup must learn to be around other animals, people, sounds, vehicles, and other activities. So, slowly introduce the pup when he is little to everyday activities and sounds. Take him to the mall/ park, introduce him to children and other pets, and make him unafraid of the vacuum and garden hose.

•    Learn all about crate training, leash walking, house breaking, as well as food training. These are kindergarten lessons that every pup must master. Know about all the idiosyncrasies as well as peculiarities of the breed this will give you valuable insights on how to successfully train the pup.

As a pet-parent you have many choices. You could choose to train the dog yourself or register at a professional training school. Training a dog has many stages: kindergarten, obedience training, doggy sports, showing and conformation, as well as other aspects like therapy dogs, hearing dogs, and so on. What level you choose to train depends on you as well as the learning abilities of your dog. As you know, different dogs like humans have varied talents. Choose well and both you and your pup will have fun times together.

(Nitro):Is it my turn Dad?
yoby:Yes,Nitro your turn...What you got today is it funny baby boy...?
(Nitro): Dad,this is so funny and cute......

(Nitro):I told you it was cute and funny!
yoby: Okay baby boy that was cute!!!
Okay Everybody,Until Next Time-Take Care!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

9 ways to protect our bird from illnesses

Hey everybody,just a quick post for some of our bird lovers out there.I found these tips are good for first time bird owners or even for veteran bird owners.Hopefully you are taking care of your birds as well as any other pets because they are special pets also.So here goes some good tips for the day.Enjoy!

1.    Good hygiene – regularly clean the bird cage and the appliances in it. The cleaning must be accomplished minimum twice a week .
2.    We mustn't let our birds have contacts with wild or free – living birds, who are the main carriers of diseases and infections .
3.    Do not put the bird cage exposed to draughts – the birds can catch a cold , and they should be exposed to the sun no more than 1 – 2 hours , because they can get overheated and can suffer from hypothermia .
4.    If you have other pet animals – a dog , a cat, first get sure that they are not aggressive towards the birds and only then you can leave them in the same room together.

5.    Examine the bird cage for protruding parts and objects that can hurt the birds .
6.    A very important factor for the good health of the birds is the proper and balanced feeding . Except for grain mixture, they should get enough quantity of fruit and vegetables, from which they will supply themselves with necessary vitamins .
7.    Also, with great importance for the health of birds is the proper supply with minerals . You can buy them from the zoo in combined form.
8.    It is also necessary that your birds get small stones and sand in a separate container , which contributes to the good digestion and food – assimilation.
9.  Overfeeding the birds with proteins of animal origin is very dangerous for them and it can cause podagra and lead to abnormal appetite.

Until Next Time Everybody,Take Care...