Friday, March 20, 2009

Grooming Your Pet

Hate Pet Grooming - Well check this out

Has pet grooming left a bad taste in your mouth? Has it been a bad experience for you
and your beloved friend? It doesn't have to rattle your nerves.
Some pet owners will resort to taking their pet to a professional groomer, only to
find that they have no magic tricks up their sleeves either. At best, sometimes they
can only do so much, leaving your pet uncombed, half clipped and not very happy for
the experience.
Animals really don't like to be groomed. Dogs, especially would rather play in the
dirt, mud, and water, but once their owner gets that bath water ready, they seem to
develop a crazy fear of the water. Cats who love to be stroked, go wild when that
brush starts coming their way. Pet owners need to realize that if they brush or bathe
their pets at home, the groomer probably won't be able to. They are not trainers, but
they can make your pet look good.
If you start your pet young, you can program them to appreciate being groomed. Of
course puppies and kittens won't sit still, but they are much easier to hold on to at
that age. They will be so happy with the attention from you that they will associate
the grooming time with play time with you. By the time they are a year or two they
will be more accepting of the grooming process.
Pay attention to your pets ears. You want to make sure you clean them and get them
used to having their ears handled at a young age. That way if their vet needs to
treat them for ear infections at a later date, it won't be so difficult.
Nail trimming can be a tramatic experience for you and the pet. So make sure you
touch their paws so they can get accustomed to the feel of your hands because you will
eventually have to trim their nails
Be sure to reward your pet once the grooming is done. Treats and play time are always
good. They will be more likely to sit still for the grooming if they know the fun is
next. Don't groom your pet if you're having a bad day, they will pick up on it. Use
the time to play with your pet instead. They'll still have your attention and it can
improve your mood as well. Be positive and each grooming session can be very
rewarding for the both of you.

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